mgf clothes bank
monday - SATURday @ 9:30AM - 5:00pm
MGF Clothes Bank opened in August 2022 and has been a huge support to the local community by providing FREE clothing!
Everyone is welcome to avail of the clothes available and our volunteers are there to assist you in any way they can.
The clothes bank is run entirely by volunteers and is open Monday - Saturday - we thank our volunteers for their time and commitment to this cause, a witness to the local community.
If you are able to help with donations of clothes this would be really appreciated, as it allows us to continue to reach out to the community.
every third thursday of each month @ 10:30am - 2pm
The vision for T-Junction began in 2016, when a group of people from MGF realised the need for helping individuals in our community, particularly those who live alone or those who are vulnerable or going through a difficult time in their life. T-Junction was created to be a place to meet new people, share and learn from others experiences and to support and care for one another. Over the last six years people have established new friendships and have benefited from spending time relaxing in the company of others. Special guests are sometines invited to share at T-Junction, previous guests have included Aware NI, The Stauros Foundation, Befrienders for Disability and the Alzheimer’s Society to name but a few. Pastoral Care is also available if you would like to speak with someone. T-Junction will also be available for all those involved with MGF’s ‘Embrace Disability’ ministry.
With no upper or lower age limit T-Junction is about relaxing in the company of others and chatting with friends old and new. Our desire is that you encounter the love of God by experiencing the care of His family. Please come along and join us to find out more about what we do, you will be made very welcome.
Lunch, tea and coffee are provided free of charge and any donations given will be used in the organisation of further charity events.
head’s up
Fortnightly on Monday’s @ 7:30pm - 9pm
Christian based support groups: supporting individuals with depression and mental health.
Depression affects 1 in 4 people during their lifetime. ‘Head’s Up’ seeks to support and encourage people who are affected by depression and mental health, either personally, or through family members or friends. ‘Head’s up’ Christian support groups provide ‘self-help’, offering friendship, support, encouragement and empathy in a non-judgmental environment. ‘Head’s Up’ groups become a network of support providing a life-line of strength and encouragement during difficult times when individuals can be most vulnerable.
‘Head’s Up’ seeks to encourage and build each other up using the many promises God has given to us in His Word. If you think that ‘Head’s Up’ could help you, or if you would like to join a support group please emails us at