We thank God for His provision and for your generosity and support. You can give to Mourne Gospel Fellowship, by posting a cheque to postal address; MGF, 10 The Square, Kilkeel, Co.Down, Northern Ireland, BT34 4AA. Or you can give online by standing order or bank transfer.  Details are as follows:

Bank Name:  Danske Bank           Account Name: Mourne Gospel Fellowship

Account Number: 41088130         Sort Code: 950344

Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate by making use of our online gift aid form -

Please complete and return your gift aid form to us by email and make your donation to the bank as noted above


SINGLE DONATION - Click on the image above to open our Single Donation Gift Aid form which you can print and fill in.

MULTIPLE/REGULAR DONATION - Click on the image above to open our MULTIPLE/REGULAR Donation Gift Aid form which you can print and fill in.